School Closed Today, Tuesday, January 29

School Closed Today, Tuesday, January 29

Posted on January 29, 2019
Dear Staff and Parents of CVH,

Crestview Heights is closed Tuesday January 29, 2019 due to a lingering smell of diesel from our boiler. Principal Sagar, Director of Facilities Rich Belloni and I visited the school this evening from 7:45 to 8:15pm checking the rooms and felt that there was a dissipating but lingering smell in some places of diesel which the boiler is burning off as part of its system. In addition, the purification air was billowing in the school and replacing bad air with good but I could still smell it. Thus we are closing for the day. Seventh and 8th grade will be at the high school at least until lunch.
Teachers report to the Teaching and Learning Center where you can do your best to prep for classes for Wednesday. Hopefully, you can work remotely from the TLC. Classified, please report to the High School for duty. If you have questions regarding this paragraph, please contact your principal.
Thank you so much,
Karen Gray