Crestview Heights Elementary School Open Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Crestview Heights Elementary School Open Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Posted on January 29, 2019

Crestview Heights Elementary School Open Tomorrow

Building Cleared by Central Coast Fire Department as Safe for Occupancy by Staff and Students

NEWPORT, OR – January 29, 2019 –  This is a joint release composed by Dr. Karen Gray, Superintendent of Lincoln County Schools and Erich Knudson of Information Station, an online news source based in Lincoln County.

On January 28th, 2019, the Superintendent of the Lincoln County School District, Dr. Karen Gray, sent out a message via email, Facebook and phone calls that Crestview Heights Elementary School in Waldport was going to be closed on Tuesday, January 29th due to a diesel smell within the school at various points. Here are the details of what lead up to that decision.

On Saturday the 26th, the Facilities and Maintenance staff started up a boiler within the school. The result was quite a bit of black smoke came out of the exterior exhaust piping which resulted in a call to Central Coast Fire. The boiler was shut back down. Information Station News called and spoke with Chief Gary Woodson who was in charge of the call. After ensuring through visual inspection and Infrared Detectors that there was no active fire present, it was determined that the boiler needed to remain shut down until maintenance could find and correct the issues. Chief Woodson also checked the gym as that was the only area being occupied at the time when smoke was present along with verifying through the use of portable CO detectors that the room was safe to occupy.

On Monday the 28th, maintenance staff fixed problems within the boiler and started it back up. Due to the initial startup on Saturday, and the repair of the unit, there was some residual diesel that was left behind which left odor to make its way to various parts of the building. The schools have air purifiers that run continuously to ensure that the air within the buildings is clean were unable to clean the air fast enough, thereby leaving the slight odor of diesel. Dr. Gray went to the school because the staff suggested that the odor may be too strong for some people, especially those sensitive to certain odors. Dr. Gray made the determination that the building should be aired out further before resuming school.

On Tuesday the 29th, because of many community members expressing concern, Central Coast Fire, at the request of the school district, made a return trip to the school to do a walk-through of the entire school with their CO detectors to ensure the building is safe to be occupied. The Central Coast Fire Department determined that the air quality is safe for occupancy by the staff and students.

Current Oregon Law states that residential rental properties, those that are new construction and any sale or transfer of residential property are required to have CO detectors installed in those properties.  Any commercial building that people are able to sleep in is also required to have them installed, like hotels, for example. Public buildings, particularly schools, in this case, are not required to have them. Dr. Gray agrees that having them installed is a good idea and is going to task the facilities department with getting estimates to find out what it will take to install these detectors in all the district’s buildings which have fuel or gas burning appliances like boilers.

The school will be resuming normal scheduling tomorrow, January 30th.

La Escuela Elemental Crestview Heights Abre mañana

El Edificio ha sido despejado por el Departamento de Bomberos de la Costa Central como seguro para usar 

NEWPORT, OR – 29 de enero 2019 – Este mensaje fue enviado al personal y a los padres de los estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria Crestview Heights en Waldport por parte de la Superintendente, la Dra. Karen Gray.

“Crestview Heights está cerrada el martes, 29 de enero 2019, debido a un olor persistente de diesel de nuestra caldera”, escribió la Dr. Gray, “la directora Sagar, director de instalaciones Rich Belloni y yo visitamos la escuela esta tarde de 7:45 a 8:15 pm revisando los salones y sentimos que había un olor disipador pero persistente en algunos lugares de diesel que la caldera está quemando como parte de su sistema. Además, el aire de purificación se esparció en la escuela y reemplazaba el aire malo con bueno, pero todavía se podía oler”. Por lo tanto, se tomó la decisión de cerrar la escuela por el día. Anoche se envió una comunicación a las familias de los estudiantes y se publicó en el sitio web y las redes sociales.

 Los maestros se reportaron al Centro de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje para trabajar de forma remota y prepararse para las clases del miércoles 30 de enero, cuando la escuela estará abierta. El personal clasificado se reportó al edificio de la escuela preparatoria hoy.

 El Departamento de Bomberos de la Costa Central ha declarado el edificio como seguro para entrar anoche y se regresará a clases mañana. Hubo un informe hoy de un posible estudiante que puede haber sido afectado por el humo. La Administración del Distrito Escolar del Condado Lincoln está en contacto directo con la familia para apoyarlos.