A Week at a Glance – Bulletin Boards!
This week we are featuring the bulletin boards that are up around the school. Enjoy!
This week we are featuring the bulletin boards that are up around the school. Enjoy!
The Bookfair will be taking place during Parent/Teacher conferences! Come in and shop with us for the latest popular titles....
Tomorrow’s last home volleyball game is Crestview Night!! Any CVH student wearing green (or pink) will be let in free...
CVH Annual Parent Meeting
Enjoy the highlights of our week. The Boosters ran the Scholastic Book Fair. Ranger Becky, from Cape Perpetua, talked about...
Here are the highlights of the week. Reading with first grade. ...
Our staff has been working hard at making positive connections and encouraging attendance. Thank you to all the families who...
The Scholastic book fair will be at CVH from Thursday October 17th until Thursday October 24th. The book fair will...
Join the Waldport High School Cheerleaders at our 2019 Mini Cheer Clinic. For Kindergarten through 6th grade students. When: *October...
These schedules are current as of October 2019 and may be subject to change: Waldport Area Bus Routes/Schedule Please visit...