A Week At a Glance
Here are the highlights of the week. Reading with first grade. ...
Here are the highlights of the week. Reading with first grade. ...
Our staff has been working hard at making positive connections and encouraging attendance. Thank you to all the families who...
The Scholastic book fair will be at CVH from Thursday October 17th until Thursday October 24th. The book fair will...
Join the Waldport High School Cheerleaders at our 2019 Mini Cheer Clinic. For Kindergarten through 6th grade students. When: *October...
These schedules are current as of October 2019 and may be subject to change: Waldport Area Bus Routes/Schedule Please visit...
This week we focused on forgiveness. Here are the highlights from the week.
Do you ever wonder what the staff does during the early release Wednesday professional development training? For the month of...
The book fair will be at CVH from Thursday October 17th until Thursday October 24th. The book fair will be...
Thank you to our custodians Bobby and Joey for keeping our school clean and spotless. You both serve with a...
Addressing behavioral and sexual development with our schools and with community partners. Thurs., October 10 at Oceanlake Weds., October 16...