OBOB Books for 2020-2021
Attached is the PPT for the elementary and middle school OBOB books for next year. A few students have already...
Attached is the PPT for the elementary and middle school OBOB books for next year. A few students have already...
Dear Parents/Guardians, Staff, and Community, Here is a short update on what’s happening in our District as we continue to...
The Lincoln County School District Board of Directors agreed to extend an offer to Mr. Michael Gass as the new...
Join us on Thursday May 14th, May 21st or May 28th from 5:30-6:00 via zoom for an information session on...
Parenting supports that are now available to families to access remotely Parent Coaching through Parenting Success Network in partnership with...
The USDA Food and Nutrition Service authorized the Department of Human Services (DHS) to provide Oregon P-EBT Pandemic School Meal...
Dear LCSD Family, The following is your weekly Lincoln County SD update from the Superintendent. We are in week number...
With Executive Order N0. 20-20 closing our schools until June 30, 2020, we will not be able to hold our...
We appreciate all our dedicated teachers!
Next week May 4th-8th is Teacher Appreciation Week. We know that due to Distance Learning we will not be able...