October 4, 2020
Dear Kindergarten Families,
We have been so impressed with your efforts and willingness to jump in with your student for the start of this unprecedented year. Our teachers have been thoughtful and adaptive at Crestview Heights with a particular focus on our youngest students. Tomorrow, Dr. Gray will announce to Lincoln County the plan to bring back in-person hybrid learning for our kindergarteners. If successful, it will trigger the possible additions of 1st through 3rd grades as we move through the fall. You might hear of other groups, such as Career Technical Education (CTE) that serve our older students or programs that support students with disabilities also coming on campus through the same time frame.
While this can be an exciting announcement, it can also create new and different concerns for parents. We realize your student will be the first to have this opportunity and that it comes with some uncertainty. I would like to invite you to a Zoom meeting on Tuesday, October 6th at 5:30 p.m. We will walk you through what your student’s day will look like, answer any questions, and share our excitement for this opportunity. We know you may not be ready to have your child on campus and we have a solution to honor that choice as well. If you are in Edmentum and would like to change, we can explain how that can be accomplished.
When you registered in August, you were asked to determine which cohort (Monday & Thursday or Tuesday & Friday) you preferred for your student. Our office staff will be calling to confirm your choice and explain the impact your choice has on bus routes. Your transportation needs may also require a teacher change based on the family cohort. We have worked hard to honor all requests but have a handful of conflicts that need resolved.
We are excited to see your students every day whether online or in-person. We are always working to make our school environment as safe as possible and continue to spend hours to provide a safe, thoughtful, and welcoming environment for your students at school. We look forward to sharing with you and your kindergarten student our comprehensive plan to make this a great year for everyone.
Mike Gass, Principal
Sandi Battles, Assistant Principal
Zoom Link https://zoom.us/j/99971445195?pwd=NjNxMm9SZnd4WDdvT0RNbVJndS9hQT09#success